Note To Democrats - Stop Whining
by Bill Gouveia for the Sun Chronicle
One thing that stands out as a major difference between Democrats and Republicans at the national level is this: Democrats whine more.
One thing that stands out as a major difference between Democrats and Republicans at the national level is this: Democrats whine more.
I believe that whining and pettiness cost the party the presidency in 2016, and there is an excellent chance it will pay that same price in 2020. Quite frankly, Republicans are more focused on the ultimate prize than their opponents. When Republicans assemble a firing squad, they face the target. When Democrats assemble one, they form a circle.
Nearly 90 percent of registered Republicans support President Trump. If you think that’s because they agree with his ideology (he literally does not have any) or his adherence to party principles (he is loyal only to those useful to him), you are kidding yourself.
After a very nasty and contentious primary in 2016, Republicans rallied around Trump for two distinct reasons. First, they saw a strong personality who had harnessed the public anger and could ride it into the White House. Second — and perhaps most importantly — they absolutely could not stomach the thought of Hillary Clinton as president.
Republicans overwhelmingly support Trump because he wins and gives them control of the system. Many know and understand he is a pompous, arrogant, narcissistic egomaniac. But he is THEIR pompous, arrogant, narcissistic egomaniac. And they would rather be in control of the system with him, than on the outside looking in without him.
Democrats have been unwilling or unable to reach that realization.
You could see that in 2016 when Bernie Sanders supporters stayed home and sulked rather than support the person they thought “cheated” their candidate. They took to what they saw as the moral high ground, refusing to support an imperfect candidate who did not embody many positions they felt were important. In essence — they took their ball and stayed home, whining about the unfairness of it all.
And the reward for their efforts (or lack of same) was — Donald Trump. Congratulations, folks. You must be so proud of what you have accomplished.
If Democrats nationally truly want to win rather than whine, they need to take a page from the Republican playbook. They have to accept the candidate their party has chosen, forgive him where he differs from themselves, and focus on the unacceptable and unforgivable alternative: Four more years of Donald Trump, who would then be unrestrained by the need to seek re-election.
Those Democrats disappointed Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee have to suck it up and get involved if they care about their country and their party. To those folks, I say — think of it this way:
If Joe Biden is three times worse than whoever you wanted to be the nominee — he’s still 100 times better for your national objectives than Donald Trump. Now go back and read that last sentence again.
It’s okay to not be totally enamored with your nominee. I believe many Republicans think Trump is a nut. But they need him to accomplish their goals. They get past their individual preferences, and advance their cause with the tools they are given.
If Democrats are smart, they will quit whining and do the same.
Bill Gouveia is a local columnist and longtime local official. He can be emailed at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.