Monday, December 18, 2017

Not Enough Women Are Selectmen

Why Don't More Women Run For Selectmen
by Bill Gouveia (for the Sun Chronicle)

There is a problem in local government. Not enough women hold public office and other positions of authority in local municipalities. The question is — why?
There are nine towns with boards of selectmen in the Sun Chronicle area. My rough count shows 41 selectmen seats between those nine towns. A check of town web sites reveals 37 of those 41 seats are currently filled by men. Five towns (Norfolk, Mansfield, North Attleboro, Plainville and Wrentham) currently have no female selectmen. The other four (Seekonk, Norton, Rehoboth and Foxboro) each have one.
Men currently occupy 89 percent of local selectmen seats, while women hold just 11 percent. No community in the Sun Chronicle area currently has more than one female member of their board of selectmen.
If you aren’t at least somewhat concerned by those glaring statistics, then congratulations — you are officially part of the problem.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. They run from the undeniable and clear presence of discrimination against women that has been built into the very structure of our society and government for many generations, to the lack of interest by many women in changing that on the local level.
To be fair, there have been many women selectmen of distinction in this area over the years. Andrea Soucy of Plainville served for 27 years. Other communities have had several women who were powerful voices on their local boards.
But 37-4? Can that realistically be viewed as anything but a problem and a warning sign? Or is local government in general, and being a selectman in particular, just “a guy thing”?
Let’s get one thing clear right away: Women have to bear some major responsibility for this great disparity. You can’t be elected to a board of selectmen unless you run for it, and locally — not enough women run. It’s not like the voters are defeating women at the polls. The percentage of women who run and are elected is probably reasonably high.
But far more men than women seek the office. Some say that is because women are not as egotistical as men and don’t need the power and the affirmation of office. Others believe it is because women are simply smarter than men and don’t want the aggravation and stress of trying to please an entire community.
And no doubt there are still some (hopefully a rapidly diminishing number) who just think women aren’t “cut out” for this sort of thing. The are much better at working than leading, or so many who subscribe to that misguided philosophy believe. Their strength is in the home, not in the town hall.
They must know different women than the ones I know.
As someone who has been involved in local government for more than 40 years, I can tell you with absolute certainty that women are a dominant force in our local communities and local governments. Almost every local citizen group formed for a political purpose (to support ballot questions, candidates, or overrides) is led at least in part by women. There are many capable men involved as well, but I guarantee you the ratio in the leadership is not 34-7.
Of course, it is also fair to ask why women would seek to become a selectMAN. This newspaper recently ran a story about the attitudes of some local leaders toward possibly changing the title to “select person” and “select board”. While many of the comments were encouraging, a few were disappointing.
Chief among them was this from Foxboro selectman chairman David Feldman: “I am not sure where we as a society are going when we start changing names or stop using words that have been generally accepted for hundreds of years for their intended meaning vs. literal meaning.”
Really, Mr. Feldman? The origin of the word “selectman” is pretty simple to determine. These were “select men” chosen to lead during a time when only men were allowed or considered capable.
Perhaps it is this kind of reluctance and lack of enthusiasm for change that keeps women from seeking their town’s highest office. Here’s hoping 2018 brings many more women candidates for our local boards of selectpeople. And perhaps a change in the attitudes of some of their male counterparts.

Bill Gouveia is a local columnist and longtime local official. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas is For Kids - I Had No Idea

Christmas Is For Kids An Amazing Group
by Bill Gouveia for the Sun Chronicle
I had no idea.
When local radio host Dave Kane invited me to the former Brennan Middle School on County Street In Attleboro to observe the operation of the “Christmas Is For Kids” drop-off center, I sort of sighed to myself.
I’ve participated in various holiday gift drives in local communities over the years. All of them have been meaningful experiences, but — well, been there, done that. However, this was not your typical community Christmas drive.
I soon found myself in the midst of a highly organized, intensely motivated operation. The sheer scale of what they do and the selfless way they do it is amazing.
The Greater Attleboro Area Council for Children is a non-profit corporation made up entirely of volunteers. They run Christmas Is For Kids, which works with several state and local agencies to provide Christmas gifts to over a thousand kids in Attleboro, North Attleboro, Mansfield, Norton, Seekonk and Rehoboth.
Every family has its eligibility checked according to the established guidelines. There is a complete assessment of their needs, rather than a random distribution of generic gifts. Kids are asked what they want, as well as what they need, because every child deserves to have a Christmas dream come true. Often that is merely the clothes, shoes, and other staples their parent(s) can’t provide.
They seek not just donors, but givers. When you help this organization, you virtually adopt a child. You get the specifications of what these kids both want and need, and then go out and buy it. They give you the size, color, type and other necessary information. But you actually pick out the gift for the child you don’t even know, which is very special.
Monetary donations are also accepted, as are new toys or gifts for children. If you are thinking that must require a lot of detailed work, you are right.
I met Kelly Fox, who heads the effort. She provided an overview of the way the organization operates. From the paperwork and spreadsheets handled by a group of focused individuals — using their own personal laptops and supplies in most cases — to the people sorting toys and clothes in converted classrooms, they made the entire process look easy.
Every child — assigned a number to maintain anonymity — has a “bag” containing gifts set up in an orderly fashion. Eventually, under the supervision of the state agencies, they are handed to the families. Those are the greatest moments for these worker “elves” who give of their time and themselves every year.
As my jaw dropped in amazement at the scope of their operation, I managed to ask Kelly a simple question: Why do you do this?
She smiled, thought for a moment, then replied, “This is our Christmas. It’s what our family does. We say we do it for the kids, but we get as much out of it as they do.”
The stories had me in tears. The 11-year-old who asked for a mattress, having never slept on a real bed before. The 16-year-old who was embarrassed because he had to wear the same pair of pants to school every day.
And their praise of the donors was effusive. The local companies who generously contribute, the families that “adopt” kids, and even the anonymous strangers who drop off thoughtful gifts. Like the unidentified man who donated a “date kit” designated for a teenager. It contained gift cards for the movies, dinner, new clothes – all so a kid who couldn’t otherwise afford it could go on a date.
I spent pretty much my entire tour in tearful amazement. I encourage and even dare the toughest of you to visit and keep a dry eye. It opened up a new perspective for me because — I had no idea.
Thank you to Kelly, Dave, and each and every “elf”. The difference you unquestionably make goes beyond merely Christmas, and involves instilling in people the sense of self-worth every individual so desperately needs. You represent the best in all of us, and what you do for these children and families cannot be overstated.
Merry Christmas to you all.
(To donate to Christmas is for Kids or for information call 508-226-0911 Monday-Friday from 5 pm-8 pm and Saturday from 9 am-5 pm.)
Bill Gouveia is a local columnist and longtime local official. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.