Monday, November 26, 2018

When Truth Doesn't Matter - Neither Do we

Despite Trump - The Truth Matters
by Bill Gouveia
Donald Trump has manipulated the media into a position where no matter what they do — he wins. It’s a politically brilliant and morally bankrupt philosophy that just might propel him to second term in the White House.
He has officially abandoned any pretense of valuing the truth. In the Trump White House, truth is irrelevant. It is meaningless. It is a distraction, an obstacle to be overcome in order to achieve what Trump values above all else — political victory and personal credit.
This president is a pathological liar, virtually without values or conscience. He lies so much and so blatantly that covering and documenting every single lie would be a full-time job. He knows that, and benefits from it.
Trump has skillfully managed to make a large segment of the voting population care more about the media calling the President a liar than the fact the President actually is usually lying. Quite frankly, it is impossible to cover him with any accuracy without pointing out how often and boldly he lies.
But when networks and news organizations report this — he calls them out for being unfair. To his supporters and many in the middle, this immediately negates that reporting. It is presumed the President is being attacked, and if he perhaps stretched the truth a bit — well, that’s the media’s fault for picking on him.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Trump doesn’t deal in truth, he only deals in blame. And he’s winning the blame game — huge.
But let’s be clear about a few indisputable and undeniable facts.
This president lies purposely for political advantage, blatantly and unapologetically. He doesn’t even try and hide it anymore. He doesn’t have to, because no one other than some in the media even bother to call him on it.
Few Republicans in the House and Senate who are not retiring have the courage to point out Trump’s lies. They know he’s lying, but they are afraid to confront him. They are gutless cowards, more worried about their own political futures than the government or the country.
This President has recently lied about the record of Retired Admiral William McRaven, the decorated Navy Seal commander who led the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden. He just lied about the California wildfires, disrespecting first responders and people who lost everything. Yet, from the Republicans — crickets.
But I’ll stop there, because frankly this is how Trump wins. We point out the details of his lies, and then that becomes the focus rather than the real issue. His supporters don’t care if he lies, as long as their political goals are advanced. He’s a liar — but he’s their liar.
The President of the United States is a proven pathological liar. That’s a fact we can’t change and must live with for at least the next two years.
But don’t pretend this is business as usual. Don’t claim other presidents have done this. No one has ever disrespected the truth like Donald Trump. This is not comparable to any other administration. This is a purposeful destruction of democracy.
Truth matters. And when it doesn’t — neither do we.
Bill Gouveia is a local columnist and longtime local official. He can be emailed at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Get out and vote tomorrow - No excuses

By Bill Gouveia for the Sun Chronicle
Tomorrow is Election Day. Many reading this now may have already voted early.
While this writer does not endorse candidates for office, my columns often talk about them. In this election, there are many worth discussing on the national, state, and local level. Given space limitations, I’d like to discuss three races and sets of candidates that have made strong impressions on me.
In the race for state representative in Attleboro, the city cannot go wrong. Both incumbent Jim Hawkins and challenger Julie Hall are intelligent, articulate candidates with strong records of public service.
But Hawkins has been a great representative in the months since he defeated Hall in a special election. His knowledge of the issues is impressive, his handling of difficult political situations has been superb, and his humor and humility have made it easy to like and respect him. Win or lose, he has earned this re-election opportunity.
State Senator Richard Ross of Wrentham has been a huge disappointment. His refusal to debate his opponent, or even respond to invitations to do so, reflects poorly on the veteran senator.
I don’t know much about his opponent Rebecca Rausch, but she and the people of the district deserved better than this. Ross has not really explained his actions or reasoning, but he appears to be taking his voters for granted. He probably will win tomorrow — but doesn’t deserve the victory.
Perhaps the most fiercely contested local race is for state senate in the Bristol and Norfolk district, which includes part of Attleboro and many other Sun Chronicle area communities. In this battle, Senator Paul Feeney is in a rematch with Jacob Ventura, who has worked for state representative Steven Howitt in the past. Feeney edged Ventura last year in a three-way race.
Feeney has been a positive force in the area, very active in the district and working on real problems that the state can and should address. His record during his short time in office thus far is both impressive and undeniable.
Ventura is a bright, articulate gentleman who has worked very hard campaigning for the last year or two. But despite his claims, he has not been centered on the issues truly affecting the working-class people of his district. Ventura has relied heavily on negativity and distortion to try and discredit and defeat Feeney.
Backed by far right wing groups like the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, Ventura has tried to follow President Trump and ride “immigration issues” to victory. He falsely claims Feeney wants to turn Massachusetts into a “sanctuary state,” and of not supporting public safety agencies and officials.
Ventura has enough going for himself that he doesn’t need to resort to these tactics. It’s sad that he has continued to use them.
People will point out those I have praised here are primarily Democrats, like myself. But at this level, I find party designation to be irrelevant. It is much more about the individual candidates, which is why I give credit to Republican representatives like Jay Barrows of Mansfield who always serves his district well.
If you haven’t voted, please do so tomorrow. And if you don’t vote — don’t complain.
Bill Gouveia is a local columnist and longtime local official. He can be emailed at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.