Monday, July 20, 2020

Norton Needs To Fix The Water "System"

It's The System, Not Just The Water
by Bill Gouveia for the Sun Chronicle
And the sad saga of the Norton Water/Sewer Commission continues.
Last week that elected board (more on that later) voted to remove the water dispensing machine outside town hall providing for residents who have had ugly, undrinkable, unusable brown town water in their homes for years. The machine had been disabled since March, when commissioners decided that unlike private machines, it was not safe to operate given the coronavirus pandemic.
In addition, commissioners cited their “fiscal responsibility” to the townspeople in getting rid of the dispenser. They said the cost could no longer be justified since the new filtration plant has “mostly eliminated” the brown water issue.
There are a few glaring problems with those statements.
First, brown water is still an ongoing issue in a good number of homes. Those people still have to pay to bring in clean water, even while still paying their water bills for the town water ruining their clothes and appliances. They have been spending extra on water for a while, so the commission’s spending complaints ring hollow.
Second and most amazing is that any of the water/sewer commissioners has the gall to use the term “fiscal responsibility” when discussing their board, given their failure to properly manage the major ongoing piping project that has now doubled in cost from the original amount of the contractor’s bid.
Just last month the board came back to taxpayers for another million dollars on this out-of-control boondoggle. It is at least the third time they have had to go to town meeting for more money. They cited “unforeseen issues” such as extra rock and ledge, claiming the project could not be finished without additional funding.
Coming back once is understandable. Twice is more than questionable. Three times is both inexcusable and unforgivable. It represents a lack of planning, a lack of preparation, and gross mismanagement. What it most definitely does not represent is “fiscal responsibility”.
But you know what? At this point, Norton citizens have to stop blaming the water department and the commissioners. Instead, they should put the blame where it truly belongs — on themselves.
At least three times in the last few decades voters have had the opportunity to eliminate the elected water/sewer board. Each time they declined, keeping it the ineffective, obsolete, ridiculous entity it is. Norton voters — you have had your chances.
But you kept it an elected board, which has not worked out. In fact, you currently only have two members on the three-member board. Why?
Because in last month’s election, no one ran for the open seat. Not a soul.
Despite all the trouble, complaints, issues and problems — absolutely no one stepped up to seek the office. And usually, when there is a candidate, that person is unopposed.
Having two or three well intentioned part-time volunteer officials completely in charge of a multi-million dollar water/sewer system is the height of foolishness. Those departments should come under the auspices of the professional town manager with centralized authority placed in a department of public works.
When Norton votes on a new town charter this April, they should remember changes like this are essential. Sort of like access to clean water.
Bill Gouveia is a Sun Chronicle columnist and longtime local official. He can be emailed at and followed on Twitter at @Billinsidelook.

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